Lincoln Christian Institute
Educating, equipping, and encouraging churches and those who lead them.

To serve as a trusted resource for healthy churches and mature church leaders who are spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Undergirding our approach is a fundamental commitment to a biblical worldview. We want to look at and live all of life from a distinctively Christian perspective that is derived from scripture so we can “think with the mind of Christ.” We want to see everything through the larger biblical story of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation. Though we believe in absolute truth and the authority of scripture, we also want everyone we encounter to understand and respect those with other worldviews in order to engage them with grace and compassion. We are committed to Christ and His church—locally and globally. Founded as Lincoln Bible Institute in 1944 with the goal of spreading the Gospel by equipping and encouraging servant leaders for the church, Lincoln has religious roots in the Restoration Movement, a unity movement of independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ committed to the apologetic power of a body of believers unified by the authority of Scripture.