
Acts and the Church
to Feb 28

Acts and the Church

What are the historic and scriptural origins of the Church? What were the essentials of early Christian teaching and preaching? How did people become Christians? And what is significance of Jesus’ arresting question to Saul in what would become Paul’s later theology? Our goal is to actualize the Book of Acts - in our minds, hearts, imaginations, and wills!

Led by Dr. John Castelein, this course involves seven weeks of independent reading and reflection followed by a two-day, in-person retreat at Allerton Park and Retreat Center in Monticello, Illinois, on February 26 and 27.

COST: $450 (includes food and housing for the retreat)


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Christ and Culture
to Feb 28

Christ and Culture

What is culture? How is it shaped? How does it shape us? How do we distinguish theological values from cultural ones and help others do the same? And how do we understand a cultural context well enough to introduce Jesus into it in respectful and meaningful ways.

Led by Brady Cremeens and Silas McCormick, this course involves seven weeks of independent reading and reflection followed by a two-day, in-person retreat at Minier Christian Church in Minier, Illinois, on February 26 and 27.

COST: $200


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Midwest Ministers Retreat
to Oct 22

Midwest Ministers Retreat

The Greatest in the Kingdom: Discipling and Being Discipled by Children

Dr. Teresa Roberts, VP of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and Professor of Ministry and Christian Formation at Ozark Christian College.


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Discipleship (course)
to Sep 27

Discipleship (course)

  • CU at Webber Street Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What does it mean to be a disciple and to make disciples: seven weeks of independent reading and reflection capped with a two-day, in person retreat at CU Church at Webber Street in Urbana, Illinois.

Cost: $200 (course materials, meals, and housing are not included)


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