Participant Policies
1. Disability Accommodation.
Lincoln Christian Institute provides reasonable accommodation for any participant with special needs, provided that the individual’s disability is known either through observation or self-disclosure, and that the individual provides the necessary information regarding any accommodation request sufficiently in advance to assess the request and provide an accommodation.
2. Technology.
Participants may engage with Institute-provided technology. Technology owned by or otherwise contracted (as in the case of a subscription scenario) or provided for by or to the Institute is subject to the following guidelines:
a. Lincoln Christian Institute reserves the right to monitor any and all Institute-owned or contracted technology resources and services.
b. Users must comply with all software licenses and copyrights.
c. Fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, obscene, or unlawful material may not be viewed, downloaded, created, or shared using Institute technology.
3. Diversity and Non-Discrimination.
Lincoln Christian Institute is a private, religious educational organization that serves and retains participants who support its mission, values, and beliefs. It does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, disability, or prior military service.
4. Controlled Substances.
Lincoln Christian Institute is a drug-free organization. All LCI personnel and participants are strictly prohibited from the possession, manufacture, use, and/or distribution of illegal drugs.
5. Smoking.
It is the policy of Lincoln Christian Institute to prohibit smoking on all Institute premises and at all Institute events in order to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all personnel and participants. This includes tobacco products, vaping, and marijuana.
6. Violence.
LCI is committed to providing a safe environment for all of its personnel and participants. Conduct that interferes with this commitment to maintaining a violence-free workplace will not be tolerated.
7. Weapons.
No participant is permitted to possess a firearm at LCI courses. If a participant is legally permitted to do so, they may store a weapon in their vehicle during LCI courses, but the weapon must not leave the vehicle.
8. Animals.
LCI desires to provide personnel and participants with an environment conducive to providing educational services. The presence of animals not devoted to accomplishing these objectives can be disruptive, non‐hygienic, and potentially unsafe. Therefore, animals are not allowed at LCI courses. The sole exceptions to this policy are dogs being used by law enforcement personnel and service animals. If the animal is being used as an accommodation for a disability, that must be approved by LCI personnel beforehand.
9. Sexual Misconduct.
As an educational community that seeks to glorify God in every way, we seek to obey all of the teachings of the Bible on all issues, including human sexuality. All of those biblical principles are incorporated into this policy even though not all of them are set forth word for word herein. The Institute holds to the following related religious beliefs: that sexual immorality as defined in the Bible is sin and should be fled from by all persons associated with the Institute. Sexual intimacy of any kind must be exclusively reserved for a marriage relationship. We believe that the marriage is defined by God as a lifelong committed and loving covenant relationship between one woman and one man. All other sexual intimacy outside of such a marriage relationship is sin.
10. Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.
Lincoln Christian Institute is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational environment. Sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, are unacceptable. Violations of this Policy may result in the imposition of sanctions up to, and including, termination, dismissal, or expulsion, as determined by the Institute.